Mini Marts

Mini Marts
All 5 of us!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pregnancy Update 26 weeks

She weighs 1 2/3pounds (lettuce) and measures 14 inches (Green onions)
The network of nerves in the baby's ears is developing this week.
She is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid for essential development of her lungs.

This week turned out to be the start of "moderate bed rest." This basically means I need to pace myself and sit and relax when I get uncomfortable. I was getting a tightening feeling each time I was up and walking around. After 24 hours of constant tightening unless I was sitting with my feet up, we decided to go in. The motor didn't show anything for the first couple of hours because i was in a bed laying down. Then contractions started coming about every 3 minutes. They only lasted about an hour. Since they stopped themselves I was sent home. They told me to do what I could but sit when I got too uncomfortable. Bobby had taken a few hours off in the morning so we could get the kids squared away and my mom headed over to help. When he got to work, they sent him home saying he needed to be with his family. He works for a great department! 
He had the rest of the weekend off! So I'm taking it way easy! EVERY time I am up on my feet I'm way tight. Thankfully we have a great support system that has been very helpful! 

The goal is to keep this little girl in for 11 more weeks! We would love all the prayer we can get! 

I just can't pass up the shot where she is looking up at me! 

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