Mini Marts

Mini Marts
All 5 of us!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby Duece!

Our Christmas card this year! (2011)
This is how we told the family!
We had it as the centerpiece for Thanksgiving.
Then sent the Christmas cards out the next day for the family that lives out of state.

We are excited to have baby #2 cooking in the oven. Due Date is June 2! SAME due date as Jeremy and our anniversary! I am 14.5 weeks. I already feel like I am bigger then I was with J. We are not finding out the gender, until the baby is born. This is especially difficult for me! Bobby is super excited. When we ask Jeremy, "Where is the baby?" He points to my belly and kisses it! So sweet.

12 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. Love the name... baby deuce! haha! you look fabulous ;-) and good work blogging again, I miss reading your updates.
