Mini Marts

Mini Marts
All 5 of us!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Seeing theses pictures fills my heart with such joy!
My mom was totally right!
We don't know how much they love us until we have our own! 

Mother's Day was low key this year. Bobby had to work, Boo! I spent the day with the kids, my mom and brother! We went to Church, Castle Park (a local min theme park), ordered Olive garden to go and watched a movie!
The Gang!
The rides!
Jeremy was such a daring little boy!
He rode that rollercoaster in the back car by himself!
Capri went on the log ride like nobody's business!
They also took a ride n the cars without a grownup!
They are growing up so fast!
I feel like this wouldn't be complete without a shout out to my amazing husband! He works so hard so I can fulfill my dream job of being a stay at home mommy. God blessed us with that job, knowing this would be here I am today! I love it. Sure, there are hard days, most days are hard and I fall into bed exhausted each night, but it's completely worth it.

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