Mini Marts

Mini Marts
All 5 of us!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Preterm Labor again??*

  Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ."

I need to be repeating this verse over and over right now.  
I need the peace that we can only feel from God.

Let's start with an update:
        I am 32 weeks along. I started having contractions on Friday evening at my dad's house. I didn't think they were real contractions because they were not painful it was just tightening of my belly. My dad suggested we start timing them. By the time we got home they were every 5 minutes and lasting anywhere from 30 seconds to 1min 17 seconds, but only when I was up and moving. When I laid down they stopped. So I thought Braxton Hicks. We went to bed, I didn't feel anything throughout the night. 

     Bobby had a class the next day, he got up and went, only to realize he forgot to charge his phone last night!  I got up and moving and the contractions started again. I didn't time them because Jeremy was really wanting my attention. I called the nurse at Loma Linda. She said to rest with my feet up and drink water, if they continue to go in. They still stopped when I rested, which was so difficult when you have a cute little boy that wants to play catch, choo-choos, and bat the ball! I decided I should go in, just to be safe. I dropped Jeremy off with The O'Rafferty's and headed in.

12:30pm: Checked in and SO hungry! I didn't think to stop and get something to eat on the way! And 
                they wouldn't let me eat until the doctor saw me!

3:30pm: The doctor was finally able to see me. They were so busy! He did a cervical check. He also 
did a vaginal ultrasound to see if my cervix was short and thinning. Stats: I am in labor, 1.5 cm 
 dilated and 50% effaced. CRAP! This hit me hard. I wasn't contracting when I was laying 
down so I was still thinking, "False alarm, Braxton Hicks." There is something so scary about hearing, "You are in Labor" at 32 weeks. The same thing happened with Jeremy. Was I being too optimistic? Was I putting too much faith in the Progesterone shots and not enough in God to allow His will, no matter the outcome? I am all emotional at this point, as nurses and doctors are coming in and out, having me take meds and doing more tests. I call Danielle and lost it! (By the way, Bobby is still at his class with a dead cell phone). When I get of the phone he calls. He asks me the details and all I can blubber out is, "I'm scared." He says he is on his way, which makes me cry more! He is so sweet and takes care of me so well! I had calmed down by the time he got there and started crying again when he hugged me. It was so nice to have him there.

6:00pm: Contractions had subsided! Praise God! We have a HUGE prayer team out there praying for us! I am proof that Prayer works! 

9:30pm: Contractions are still not coming and they let me take the monitors off and sleep all night! They didn't even come in to check my vitals! Although I did not sleep very well, it was nice! And Bobby was here to snuggle with. 

4/15/12 - Tax day! Has everybody filed??

6:00am: Bobby gets up to go to his class. We figure he needs the credit and rather then sitting here all day waiting for a decision he can go have a little fun and I can update him as the day goes on. If he needs to he can leave early again.  Well I wake up with a sharp pain in my groin and contractions when I am up and moving around.  We get the monitors hooked up and I am contracting while laying down. NOT GOOD! There is talk about keeping me admitted for 4 weeks to keep the baby in and contractions at a minimum. If they stop, I can go home and "take it easy."

At this point, I am waiting on the Doctors to do their rounds and see what will happen. In the mean time, I have a few blogs I have started and not finished! Seems like a perfect time to get them posted! And I'm going to watch the church service right now! 
Join me? Sandals Church 9am, 11am, 5pm, 7pm PST

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